Review Policy

Hello! Welcome to The Very Bookish. If you have a book that you'd like me to review, then please read the following and then get in touch! 

My preferred genres to read are:

  • Historical fiction
  • Contemporary
  • YA
  • Non-Fiction
  • Science Fiction

If your book is any of the following genres, I will not accept your offer:

  • Erotica
  • Horror
  • High Fantasy
  • Thrillers

If you think your book is something I might enjoy, then drop me an email to and tell me the following:

  • Title
  • Author (and a little bit about you)
  • Genre
  • Blurb
  • A time frame you want me to read the book in

I am UK based and will accept books in both digital (Kindle) and physical copies. If possible, I would prefer it if you could send me a Mobi or Epub file rather than a PDF as I have to use the OpenDyslexic font to read on my Kindle.

Please make it clear in your request what format you intend to send the book in. Please note: I am not currently accepting review requests for audiobooks.

You can also check out my Goodreads here or The StoryGraph here to see the books I’ve recently read and decide whether you think your book would be to my taste.

I look forward to hearing from you!



Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. If you would like to support the content I create, then you can donate to me on Ko-Fi! I read and write reviews of books for free and in my spare time. Whilst it sounds like a nice, relaxing hobby, it can be extremely time consuming around my other commitments. Click the button above to go to my Ko-Fi page!


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