The Horn's Hoax - Hector Cantu Kalifa
Genre: Fantasy | Middle Grade / Young Adult (9-16 year olds)
Pages: 268
Rating: ☆☆☆☆/5
Synopsis: It’s hard to tell when someone’s soul changes, especially when dark energy has a price.
An unexpected adventure of two brothers who accidentally travel to another world. Henry and Moris—just a few short months after their father mysteriously goes missing—are playing their favorite make-believe game when suddenly they are transported to a different universe and planet, leaving behind their mother and sister. When each brother is captured by warring wizarding houses, the Veneficums and the Milaculums, they stand the chance of losing each other forever.
The boys have too many unanswered questions, and they don’t know who to trust, but in their attempt to find each other and return home, the brothers discover truths about themselves––and their father––they never could have imagined.
In a strange world where wizards fight each other and are not what they seem, who can the brothers trust? More importantly, will they get home together?
My Thoughts: I would firstly like to thank Love Books Tours for allowing me to take part in this blog tour! Reading for me has been a real challenge over the last few months because I've been so bogged down with finishing my degree, and so a middle grade fantasy book was exactly what I needed.
The story follows Henry and Moris who are on a mission to search for their missing father who doesn't come home one day. When unexpectedly, the brothers were both sucked into a different Universe after they found the horns. They arrived into Dantus world and no clue how they got there.The two boys have a few years difference in age which is something that I liked, as usually I think of siblings with an age gap and think of them hating one another.
The beginning of the book was moderately paced, and then everything seemed to happen very quickly. I can really see how a child of the target age group would be clung to this book until they'd finished it - I certainly was! This book had a great mixture of action, magic and fantasy which I think is perfectly pitched for middle grade readers. It's exciting, creates lots of emotion and is a book you can't put down until it's finished. I really enjoyed this book, and think that a middle grader would also really enjoy it. Also, the cover is glorious!
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